Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hey guys!We have recently learnt to make: infinity braclets,starburst,waterful,inverted fishtail and minion braclets.And guess what!We are hitting the market!The highlands farmers market to be exact!We are not sure when,but we will let you know!If you have any ideas/feedback,contact us!(details below).You can also order our designs.Here are the prices:(give us feedback on what you think)
singlechain: 30c
fishtail: 70c
inverted fishtail: $1.00
infinity braclette: $2.00
waterfall: $2.50
starburst: $3.00
Railroad: $2.30
plastic charms: 10c
flower charm: 30c
beaded bands:20c
scented bands(grape,straberry orange): 20c
tye dye bands: 20c
glow-in-the dark bands:10c
(for orders,feedback and whatever)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

About Us

This little business started one day,when we were making rainbow loom and suddenly,Emily came up with the idea of selling our designs!We called it WILD LOOM. We make different colour patterns and different designs.Why are we so different from other sellers?Because we put our hearts into making these,we have fun while making them and of course, we are unique. We work really heard to learn to make rainbow loom. And so far, we can only make: inverted fishtails, flower charms,fishtails,single chain and infinity bracelet.We Will, one day, master the dragon scale cuff. At WILD LOOM you can buy our designs,learn designs and create designs.Comment below if you would be happy to work with us to create rainbow loom, as we are in need of someone to help,as there is only two of us!

age: 10
favourite colour: Turquoise
hobbies: rainbow loom,skating,drawing,looking in  microscopes.
favourite rainbow loom pattern: Dragon Scale Cuff and infinity braclette

age: 11
favourite colour:  light blue and light purple.
hobbies:  Drawing.Rainbow loom, singing and dancing.
favourite rainbow loom pattern: Dragon scale cuff and zippy chain.